Higher and more flexible interest rates would impose stricter discipline on investment decisions. 更高且更灵活的利率水平将令投资决策受到更多约束。
In addition to an interest in a decent payoff on its investment, Google may be seeking to put itself into orbit. 除了可观的投资回报,谷歌可能还在寻求把自己的卫星送入轨道。
Given the common interest on all sides in maintaining open investment regimes and free trade to sustain global growth, a dialogue involving both governments and the new actors could go a long way towards dispelling myths and creating real transparency. 鉴于各方的共同利益为维持全球增长而保持开放的投资体制和自由贸易,将政府和新参与者都囊括在内的对话机制,可能会在破除神话和建立真正的透明度方面发挥很大作用。
You can choose to pledge your time deposits as collateral, allowing you to earn higher interest while capitalizing on foreign exchange investment opportunities. 您可选择以定期存款作按金,在把握外汇投资良机的同时,亦可赚取较高的存款利息。
They are considering investments abroad, including Europe, but their interest depends very much on how any investment could support the Chinese economy, said a banker in Frankfurt. 它们现在正在考虑到海外投资,包括欧洲,但它们的兴趣在很大程度上取决于投资如何能帮助中国经济。
In Japan, the need to seek alternatives to the poorly performing domestic stock market and the very low interest rate environment had last year built on momentum to invest in investment funds exploiting global themes. 在日本,投资者希望离开表现糟糕的国内股市和利率极低的环境,这种诉求在去年进一步捧热了那些发掘全球题材的投资基金。
Interest on your investment! Cried harran, furiously. “你们投资的利润!”哈伦气愤地叫道。
The Trap of Liquidity and Regulation of Interest Rate& Is Monetary Policy Ineffective on Investment, Output and Employment; 流动性陷阱与利率调节&货币政策对投资、产出、就业无效吗?
Enterprises shall be honest and law-abiding, active in maintaining public interest and ensuring project quality to upgrade returns on investment. 应诚信守法,维护公共利益,确保工程质量,提高投资效益。
Interest on the investment will be paid net. 投资的利息将按税后的数额支付。
Higher interest rates would also put pressure on the finances of many ongoing investment projects. 利率上升还会对许多在建投资项目构成资金压力。
Reducing interest rate has some effects on employment, GDP and fixed asset investment. 降低利率对就业、国民生产总值、固定资产投资有一定影响。
The article sets up a monetary policy model which includes the main economic characteristics of developing countries, and analyzes the effect of interest rate fluctuation on the deposit and investment. 本文建立了一个包含发展中国家经济特征的货币政策模型,分析了利率变动对储蓄和投资的影响,并对影响我国规定资产投资的主要因素进行了实证分析。
As a combination of insurance security and interest on investment, "Unit-Linked" is a non-traditional life insurance, which represents the latest tide and trends of international insurance business. 基金连锁是一种融保险保障和投资收益为一体、代表了国际保险业最新潮流和趋势的非传统寿险产品。
One of the most important objectives that made the government to implement the policy of regulating the interest rate on low level was to reduce the cost of investment, to stimulate investment, and to accelerate economic growth. 主张推行低利率管制政策的主要原因是希望借此来降低投资成本,刺激投资,促进经济增长。
In this paper, our purpose is to study the real options under stochastic interest rate and analyse the effect of interest rate uncertainty on investment decisions. 本文旨在研究随机利率下的实物期权,分析利率不确定性对投资决策的影响。
The interest rate has an operational mechanism on total saving, investment and demand of currency, which is based on a macro model. 基于微观模型的储蓄&投资行为的宏观模型,可以阐释利率对总储蓄、总投资及货币需求的作用机制。
The effect of risk-free interest rate and parameter variation in asset ( value) on the investment decision-making was illustrated through the case simulation and diagrams. 通过对案例仿真计算,画图说明了有关投资优化决策方案,并且讨论了无风险利率和资产价值波动率的参数变化对投资决策的影响。
Monetary policy tools, which were adopted such as credit, money supply Ml, interest rate of deposit and loan have a special prominence effect on investment. 对于投资,样本期内采用的货币政策工具:信贷、货币供应量M1以及存贷款利率引导是显著的。
But, in recent years, the facts show that the influence of interest adjustment on investment scale is not so obvious. 然而,实证分析表明,近年来我国利率调整对投资规模的影响并不十分明显。
Analysis of The Effects of Interest Rate Policy On Investment 利率政策的投资效应分析
Up to now, people have more interest on the research of the ruin probability including fix income of investment. 直至最近,对含具体投资收益的破产论的研究兴趣才猛增。
Then, the author discusses how the promotion of interest rate liberalization impact on the decision of investment and finance of commercial banks. 进而考察利率市场化进程的逐步推进对商业银行的投资融资行为的影响。
This paper mainly research the impact of the mechanism between interest rates changes, net worth and investment behavior. The effect of interest rates changes on business investment was multifaceted, this paper analyzes the effect by the variable of net worth. 本文主要研究了利率变动、企业净值与企业投资之间的影响机制,利率对企业投资的影响是多方面的,本文主要从企业净值的角度,来分析利率变动对投资的影响。
The binary investors, the state-owned enterprises inherent dependence on the credit system allows the interest rate transmission mechanism of monetary policy effects impact on investment. 而二元投资主体下,国有企业固有的对信贷制度性依赖使得货币政策利率传导机制的投资效果大打折扣。
In order to study the effect of interest rates on investment and economic growth, the model used also must include economic growth. 为了分析投资增长和消费增长的关系,本文要用一个经济增长的模型。
Micro-financial costs of central bank bills is mainly reflected in interest payments and losses on foreign investment income, while macroeconomic costs primarily reflected on the loss of macro-economic operating efficiency due to precipitated a lot of money. 央行票据的微观财务成本主要体现在利息支付和损失的外汇投资收益上,宏观经济成本主要体现在对贷款资金的挤出导致的资源错配和沉淀大量资金有损宏观经济运行效率两方面。
Interest rate impact on real estate investment is long and big early. 利率对房地产开发投资的影响也是中长期的,并且初期的影响较大。
Changes in the interest rate will impact on the value of investment projects through the cash flows or the discount rate. 利率的变化会通过对现金流或折现率的影响而对企业的投资项目价值产生影响。
Adjustment of interest rates will have a direct impact on investment, especially private SMEs in loans has been in a weak position. 但是利率的调整会直接影响到投资,特别是一些民营中小企业,在贷款方面一直处于弱势地位。